Image attribution: Marco Verch under CC2 license. Original photo here.
The history of potatoes began almost four thousand years ago, when in its current form, they were cultivated by the then inhabitants of Peru. The famous tribes of this region - Mocha, Chimu and the Incas are known to have cultivated even more hardy varieties of potatoes. In the region, which includes Bolivia, Peru and Chile, potato flour is made, called a miracle, which is used to make pastries and other foods.

Spanish explorers and conquerors who reached the shores of South America transported potatoes to other countries and continents. They also found that potatoes could actually support sailors on long voyages, such as crossing the Atlantic. However, the potatoes do not receive good reception and recognition when they reach Europe.
Associated with the tribes, they were considered unhealthy, unclean and even "non-Christian". Later, however, the belief emerged that the potato tuber contains aphrodisiac properties, which suddenly made this vegetable very popular.
Later, its healing properties were added to the list of its virtues, and then the Spaniards began to like it and taste it, and in fact became the first people in Europe to actually consider potatoes a delicacy. The process of perception of potatoes lasts almost a century. Until the middle of the seventeenth century, most European countries accepted them as part of their table.

You probably think that potatoes are only for eating - fried with cheese, boiled or roasted... But... No!
Potatoes can also be a natural remedy.
This vegetable contains a large amount of potassium. Due to which it has a strong diuretic property and is recommended for people who suffer from heart or kidney disease. In addition, potato juice has long been known as a remedy for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Folk medicine has many recipes with potatoes that help with some of the most common diseases. - If, for example, you have nausea, vomiting or chronic headache, drink fresh potato juice. Up to 3 times a day just 50ml or half a cup. - Raw potato juice mixed with carrots and celery helps to cleanse the slag and improve the colon and intestines health.
If anyone suffers nervous disorders, 3-4 teaspoons a day of potato juice are highly recommended.
- If you have swelling of the hands and/or the feet: peel a potato, grate it, then apply it to the swollen areas for about twenty minutes. You can fasten with a bandage for the duration of the compress.
- In case of hypertension, folk medicine advises to cover the washed peels of 4-5 potatoes with 500 ml of water. Boil for 15 minutes. Then when the decoction is cooled and filtered. Take 1 cup half an hour before meals.
What will happen if you eat a lot of potatoes?
Many tribes have consumed potatoes from the very beginning and their morbidity rate has been very low. The menu of the people of Papua New Guinea, for example, consisted of yams, sweet potatoes and other similar tubers. According to research conducted in 1994, local people adhered to their traditional menu and almost never suffered from heart disease and stroke. They also had lower blood pressure as well as lower weight compared to the western population.Other ethnic groups consume about 90% of carbohydrates, which consist mainly of sweet potatoes. They almost do not suffer from chronic diseases, in particular diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
What nutrients can you get by eating potatoes?
Although different types of potatoes have different nutritional characteristics, they all have certain health benefits. Consumption of potatoes protects against chronic diseases and inflammations, helps digestion and strengthens the bones. This vegetable contains many useful antioxidants and carotenoids (a type of plant pigment that provides protection against inflammation and chronic diseases. …And...There are over 200 different varieties of potatoes that can be found in different parts of the world.
Each type of this vegetable has different health benefits.
The most popular varieties are: yellow, red, purple and sweet. Yellow is a cross between white and brown. Red potatoes have a thin skin full of antioxidants and other nutrients. The red color indicates that the vegetable contains anthocyanin - a specific pigment that helps improve the condition of the nervous system, removes harmful cholesterol, and also protects the body from various diseases.
Blue or purple potatoes reduce inflammation and DNA damage. In addition, a few hours after consuming this variety of vegetable, the antioxidant capacity of the systemic blood flow increases, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke in people with hypertension. In addition, purple potatoes do not cause weight gain. Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients and have antidiabetic, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. They contain many vitamins and minerals.
How to properly eat potatoes?
On your menu this vegetable should be present only in boiled or baked form to get the most out of its consumption. Eating chips and french fries two or more times a week doubles the risk of various diseases. These foods are full of unhealthy fats and sodium.
When consumed boiled or baked, the addition of salt and butter and other unhealthy ingredients is not recommended. To get the maximum health benefits, you should eat potatoes whole and unpeeled!
One of the best recipes I have tried is:
Hugh's grandma boiled potatoes and onions. It is a simple and delicious, surprisingly healthy meal and it proves that sometimes less is more and the simplicity is often the wisest of the choices. 🙂
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria