":They" divide us by height, by weight, by status, by appearance, by skin color, by the traditions we observe, by beliefs and religions. They divide us by way of communication and speech, by culture and upbringing, by material condition and by spirituality. They divide us by way of life. They divide us, they divide us. And finally…" they " accuse us of being different! ...

The only thing that puts us under one denominator are the souls we hide inside these bodies.
To be most satisfied with life, we must live by our own written rules, not by the principles and views of other people.
Why do we show dissatisfaction with others? Why do we get angry and irritated by them? There are several reasons for this. First, we measure the other person with our measure. When we are healthy, when our heart beats evenly, with normal blood pressure, when both our eyes see and both our knees bend, we cannot understand the other person who feels bad.
Our character is calm, and this person is nervous, or vice versa - he is calmer and more pragmatic than us. The "I" that reigns in our heart makes us look at other people through the prism of our own physical, mental and soul properties, and we unwittingly consider ourselves a template, a model for others.
From this a storm begins in our souls: I work, and he does not work; I get tired, and he complains that he is tired; I sleep five hours, and for him, you understand, eight hours is not enough; I work tirelessly and he slips away and goes to bed early. This is precisely the character of a proud man; it is the proud one who says, "Why do I do this and he does not do that?" Why do I observe this and he does not? Why can I and he can't?'
Each of us has our own life, our own life path, our own life situation.
The full does not believe the hungry, the healthy never understands the sick.
A man who has not passed through troubles and temptations does not understand the grieving.
The happy father does not understand the orphan seeking his offspring. The groom doesn't understand divorce. A person who has living parents does not understand one who has just buried his mother.
We may theorize, but practice is life itself.
We often lack life experience, and when we begin to find it, we remember those we have judged, with whom we have been harsh, and we begin to understand that at that time we were frivolous.
We have not understood how this person felt. We tried to teach him, but he didn't care…
He was desperate with grief, his soul wept, he did not need moral teachings and strong words…
All he needed at that moment was sympathy, compassion and comfort, but we didn't understand that.
Here is one of the signs of pride - to measure other people with our measure. When we do this, it shows that there is no understanding in us. And all that is necessary is to try not to judge the other person, not to annoy him, but to accept him/her as he/she is and try to let him/her into our heart.
But this is difficult.

And only when the Universe allows us to experience this very same thing, we begin to feel how the other person felt. And only when this very same thing is already our reality we begin to understand that we after all are not so different in our suffering….And only then we forget about what divides us we start learning compassion.
Shared with joy
A . A
Stob, Bulgaria