Originating in Africa, watermelon is a valuable and portable source of water for the desert or in situations where natural bodies of water have been contaminated. Watermelons were grown in Egypt and India as early as 2500 BC, as evidenced by ancient hieroglyphs.
More than five hundred varieties of watermelon grown around the world give a great variety to consumers in terms of size, shape, color. In addition to red, there are white, pink, yellow and orange varieties, with and without seeds.
Water represents 92% of the watermelon's mass. An interesting fact is that even watermelon seeds are rich in protein and fat and are used to make vegetable oil. Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, C, large doses of potassium, calcium, iron, beta carotene and fiber.
Aromatic watermelon surprisingly has only half the sugar content (5%) of an apple. Watermelon contains only 80 calories per 100 g, and does not contain any fat and cholesterol.

The benefits of watermelon that you may not know about:
Watermelon has a prophylactic effect against some cancers, and its high content of potassium helps regulate heart function and normalize blood pressure.
It is also a good source of fiber, which helps maintain proper bowel function and works to prevent tumors of the colon and rectum. Watermelon seeds contain the substance cucurbocitrin, which helps lower blood pressure and improve kidney function.
Watermelons are low in carbohydrates, which makes them a good food for people with diabetes, for whom the recommended daily dose of watermelon is about 200-300 g. It is believed that watermelon fructose improves liver function, as well as the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
By eating watermelon regularly during the summer months, we can cleanse our body of toxic products, which makes it a suitable food for problems with the urinary system. It relieves kidney disease, prevents the formation of kidney stones and helps with some diseases of the liver and bile, as well as in the treatment of gout.
Due to the fact that it is low in calories, watermelon is part of various diets and is very suitable for eating on unloading days.
Don't wait, plant, grow and enjoy the benefits of the watermelon 🍉🙂
Shared with joy
A. A.
Stob, Bulgaria