Everyone has their place in the world.
This is something everyone learns at different stages of their lives.
The good thing is that no matter when, this is a lesson that comes to us all while we are walking our life paths…

One most important thing to remember is:
It truly matters what you do, and what you think, because we are all part of a circle of being, and everything gives its reflection the same way that we reflect...
Maybe sometimes, in some rare moments it seems to you that you are completely insignificant and that with you or without you, the world will still be the same, but remember that it is precisely because of you - someone drinks coffee or tea from their favorite cup that you gave them;
Someone reads the book you recommended and fell under the magic of the story; - someone remembers the joke you told them and smiles on the bus; - someone cooks a dish according to your recipe and will feed his family for dinner; - someone steals from his hours of sleep to think about your pains; - someone is grateful that you are a part of their life.
Never think that you are insignificant.

As long as you love and people love you.
While helping selflessly.
As long as you do good.
Your footprints on the path of kindness can never be erased.
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria