When We Face Reality or Reality Faces Us
When We Face Reality or Reality Faces Us
By Adi Andreeva
People spend so much time protecting the unreal, defending the meaningless, fighting for realities that don't actually serve them. Sometimes they devote their entire lives to these distractions and diversions. Meanwhile, that which is real waits for them with bateless breath, not remotely interested in anything inauthentic. We are only here for a moment. Make every second real.
– Jeff Brown
We may not see or understand the whole picture at all times, but when it’s done, we will understand that every stroke has a purpose. We will see how every little dot came together to create something meaningful, something worth looking at, something worth remembering…It may take a while but what’s meant for you will not mistakenly be given to someone else.
The “Universe” doesn’t miss any targets. The “Universe“ doesn’t give someone else your piece of the cake. So rest assured, that if something is meant for you, even if the whole world is competing for it, it will be yours and yours only…
Poverty is an innate quality. So is wealth. Everyone chooses what he likes best. And strangely enough, many prefer poverty…

“When I was last there”
Art by A. A. Stob, Bulgaria
I guess I'm starting to answer the question "why do people in general find it increasingly difficult to stand being together for a long time - friends, lovers, families, everyone", because confused by rosy romances and silly fantasies, we think that the person close to us is sent for our " happiness " - for pampering, patting on the back and approval.
And in fact, the people close to us are sent to pass some kind of exam together in this life, overcome our karma and rise above.
The people close to us are sent to be our "executioners" to go up the road, and this only happens when we challenge ourselves, when we hurt, when we are misunderstood, when we shout at each other, when we rebel.
The person close to you is not sent to go to the cinema or on vacation (by all means go to cinema and vacation) he is here to take you to some part of yourself that you do not know - you may like it or not - it will not be entirely " his fault" but his challenge , and overcoming the challenges together takes you to a new level.
You understand - the person close to you has a mission.
And she/he (the person) is far from agreeing with your dreams or fantasies.
The person close to you is the one you have to accept and love, even when it's not exactly what you expected, because beyond us there are higher powers - and they send us the people through whom we can take our lessons and just then move on!
The people who chose to stay together no matter what challenges Life throws at them or they throw at each other -
Friends , families, neighbors,lovers are not those whose lives are constantly joyful , happy and beautiful, but those who have realized that the truth and the wondrous beauty of life is in the ability to build UNITY throughout every day, every situation, every challenge all your life .

“The great ones do not set up offices, charge fees, give lectures, or write books.
Wisdom is silent, and the most effective propaganda for truth is the force of personal example.
The great ones attract disciples, lesser figures whose mission is to preach and to teach.
These are gospelers who, unequal to the highest task, spend their lives in converting others.
The great ones are indifferent, in the profoundest sense. They don’t ask you to believe: they electrify you by their behavior.
They are the awakeners.
What you do with your life is of no concern to them.
What you do with your life is only of concern to you, they seem to say.
In short, their only purpose here on earth is to inspire.
And what more can one ask of a human being than that?“
– Henry Miller
Shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria