An apple and a bay leaf are two ingredients that are often used in the kitchen and many have no idea what healing power they have together. The bay leaf is mainly used to season various sauces and soups. But he can do much more. In combination with the apple, it improves vision, reduces inflammation and relieves pain.

Regular consumption of the bay leaf and apple tea reduces joint inflammation, regulates blood circulation, helps with migraines, strengthens the immune system and helps fight respiratory diseases.
The apple contains antioxidants with an anti-inflammatory effect. This tea is also rich in vitamin C, so it is also excellent for flu and colds. Consuming this drink will also strengthen your heart. Bay leaf helps fight heart disease, reduces stress and blood pressure.
This drink is also suitable for diabetics and as a prevention against diabetes because it regulates blood sugar levels.
Another advantage of this drink is that it slows down the aging of cells. It is very useful for asthma, inflamed bronchi, and also improves brain function.
Preparation of the drink: Always use a dried bay leaf, as fresh leaves can be toxic.

3 bay leaves, 1 apple, 1 liter of water, optional: cinnamon and honey
The Preparation:
Wash and cut the apples into 4 parts and remove their cells. Cut into smaller pieces.
Pour water into a pot and bring it to a boil. Then add the bay leaf and cinnamon and cook for 5 minutes. Finally, add the apples, remove from the heat and leave covered for 10 minutes. Strain the finished drink, add honey and drink in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to bed. But never for a period longer than 2 weeks.
The best laurel recipes for weight loss:
Recipe 1: Bay leaf decoction
You will need 4-5 leaves of the spicy plant and 300 ml of clean water. Bay leaves should be washed, then cut. Place in a small saucepan and pour boiling water. Put on a slow fire and boil for about 6 minutes. The cooled drink must be strained. Take 2 tablespoons before each meal 3-4 times a day.
Recipe 2: Decoction with bay leaf and cinnamon
5 bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 liter of cold water.
Pour the water into the pot, heat to boil. Then put the leaves and cinnamon. Let the aromatic liquid simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool the decoction and pour it into a glass bottle. In order to lose weight, laurel decoction with cinnamon is recommended to be consumed half an hour before meals for 0.5 cups in the morning, lunch and evening. This folk remedy also suppresses the feeling of hunger, which is very necessary for effective and rapid weight loss.
Recipe 3: Tincture with bay leaf
You need 30 bay leaves, you wash them, dry them and crush them, then they are poured into a thermos and filled with boiled water. Close the thermos and leave for 24 hours. During this time, all the healing properties will pass into the water. The finished infusion will only need to be strained. The drink is incredibly rich in substance so it's taken by 1 tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day.
If you didn't try using bay leaf in your diet until today the time is now and you will be amazed by the results.
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Stob, Bulgaria