to heal from what you tell no one of.
Those pains you bear in silence from the tears that run down your face before you fall asleep and from all the insults you swallow.
I wish you to heal from your fears, sorrows and insecurities - those that day after day your life suffers, to make you look to the Light.
I wish you to heal of those traumas, wounds, memories and disappointments, that you silenced that you never shared but which you still feel deep inside.
I wish you to heal from the past, which is still in you through the emotional scars, which you wear without complaint.
I wish you to heal from lying, that you were once told, from the excuses you got then, from the recognition you expected and didn't get, from the approval that didn't come of the thanks that are not given to you, from the truth not offered to you of all the unfair times in which you deserved to get the best and it didn't reach you.
I wish you to heal from those pains, that you swallowed, silenced and masked and buried
I wish you to heal from the moments in which you said you were "fine" but actually you were not well.
The moments you swallowed the cry, the anger, the sadness, the suffering, the betrayal, the disappointment and you smiled like that so the world can't see your pain so your smile can warm someone's heart.
I wish you to heal from the moments, in which you felt alone and thought that you are abandoned by everyone.
I wish you to believe while Life heals you.
But healing is a process. Healing can be slow, long, quietly painful, sometimes difficult and impossible to do alone.
But it happens!
I wish you as many wounds there, which you endure in silence so that others help you imperceptibly for their healing.
I wish you to heal yourself: of everything you fear of all that you manifest and from all that you keep silent. I wish you everything you need!"
– Alejandro Gruber

"Scientists have been able to prove that words can revive dead cells! During the study, the scientists were amazed by the enormous power of the word.
How did they achieve this?
Studies have shown that systems remember the conditions affecting them and this information is stored within them.
Already in 1949, researchers Enrico Fermi, Ulam and Pasta studied nonlinear systems - oscillatory systems whose properties depend on the processes taking place in them.
These systems, under certain conditions, behaved abnormally. Studies show that systems remember the conditions of influence on them, and this information is stored in them for quite a long time.
A typical example is a DNA molecule that stores the informational memory of the organism. In those days, scientists wondered how an unintelligent molecule with no brain structures or nervous system could have a memory that surpassed any modern computer in accuracy. Later, scientists discovered mysterious solitons.
Solitons, solitons...A soliton is a structurally stable wave found in nonlinear systems.
The surprise of the scientists knew no bounds. After all, these waves behaved like intelligent beings.
And it was only after 40 years that scientists were able to advance in these studies. The essence of the experiment was as follows - with the help of specific devices, scientists were able to trace the path of these waves in the DNA chain.
Passing through the circuit, the wave completely reads the information. And this can be compared to a person reading an open book, only hundreds of times more accurate.
All the experimenters during the research had the same question - why do solitons behave in this way and who gives them such a command?
Why do solitons behave like this?
The scientist Petr Petrovich Garyaev conducted a new research. He tried to influence solitons with human speech recorded on an information carrier. What scientists saw exceeded all expectations - under the influence of words, solitons came to life. The researchers went further - they sent these waves to wheat grains that had previously been irradiated with such a dose of radioactive radiation that the DNA chains were broken and they became viable. After the exposure, the wheat seeds germinate.
Under a microscope, the recovery of DNA destroyed by radiation is observed.
It turns out that human words were able to revive a dead cell, i.e. under the influence of words, solitons begin to possess life-giving power. These results have been repeatedly confirmed by researchers from other countries - Great Britain, France, America.
Scientists have developed a special program in which human speech is transformed into vibrations and superimposed on soliton waves, and then they affect the DNA of plants. As a result, plant growth and quality are greatly accelerated.
Experiments with animals were also carried out, in which an improvement in blood pressure was observed, the heart rate leveled off and somatic indicators improved.
The researchers didn't stop there. Experiments have been conducted on the influence of human thought on the state of the planet. The experiments were conducted more than once, and the last ones involved 60 and 100 thousand people. That's really a huge number of people. The main and necessary rule for conducting the experiment was the presence of creative thought in people.
To do this, people voluntarily gathered in groups and directed their positive thoughts to a certain point on our planet. Over the course of a few days, crime in the city was drastically reduced! The process of creative thought impact is recorded by scientific instruments that record the most powerful flow of positive energy.
Human thought is material! Experiments have proven the materiality of human thoughts and feelings and their incredible ability to resist evil, death and violence.
Time and time again, scientific minds, thanks to their pure thoughts and aspirations, scientifically confirm the ancient general truths - human thoughts can both create and destroy. However, the direction of attention depends on whether a person will create or negatively influence others and himself. Thanks to their pure thoughts and aspirations, they scientifically confirm the ancient universal truths - human thoughts can both create and destroy. The choice remains for the person, because the direction of his attention depends on whether a person will create or negatively influence others and himself. Human life is a constant choice and one can learn to make it correctly and consciously."
By Julia Mamedova
Translated & shared with joy
Stob, Bulgaria