Isaac George
Isaac George is an internationally recognized intuitive spiritual mentor, evolutionary astrologer, conscious channel, self-published author and musician. After a life-altering spontaneous kundalini awakening in 1994 he explored various healing modalities, including hypnotherapy and Reiki. In 1998 he began spontaneously channelling Archangel Ariel and other dimensional intelligences in public events, mass media and private sessions. This led to him touring the United States and Canada or the next 6 years. During 2003 to 2005 Isaac also co-facilitated dolphin swim seminars in Hawaii with Joan Ocean, and Sunlight on Water.
Isaac moved to Scotland in 2004 where he spent most of the next 3 years recuperating from his many travels and meditating. He began writing a book, which culminated in 2007 with the self-published the work “What Really Matters”. He also composed, performed and released an album of original meditative music entitled “Excerpts from Eternity” in 2010.
Originally from the United States, Isaac currently resides in the UK and offers intuitive mentoring and astrological-based counselling sessions. He is also a researcher and guide to the Sophianic Mysteries rooted in the Gnostics and Tantric traditions. He has certification in Clinical Hypnotherapy and is a Usui, Seichem, Karuna and Kundalini Reiki Master.
Website: IsaacGeorge.com
Contact Info & Social Media:
https://www.isaacgeorge.com/stay-in-touch-with-isaac.htmlFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/isaacgeorge999
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/isaac-george-2736495a/
MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/isaacgeorge
Soul Matrix: https://oursocialmatrix.com/profile/?arion/

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