THE HOLISTIC BIOLOGIST (for Animals & People)
with Catherine Edwards
The Holistic Biologist (for Animals & People) on Kindasound is going to cover a wealth of information on all aspects of health, lifestyle, stress management for animals and their humans – the more we know the better decisions we can make for all creatures great and small to live long, happy and healthy lives. So whether it's a human or guinea pig, let's learn how we can make the best decisions for all creatures great and small.
For suggestions on show topics please feel free to email Catherine on catherineedwardslife17[at]gmail[dot]com with Kindasound in the Title, as this show is for YOU.
Catherine's Bio:
Catherine Edwards, a passionate advocate for holistic health and well-being, empowers individuals to reclaim their vitality and happiness, both for themselves and their beloved animals. With a wealth of scientific knowledge and extensive research, she shares her wisdom through podcasts, videos, training, coaching, public speaking and holistic health consultations. Catherine is also the innovator behind Next-level Therapists, a ground- breaking course designed to globalize holistic therapists' businesses.
You can find all Catherine's links here: https://linktr.ee/CatherineEdwardsLife

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