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Bogomili Views on Holistic Healing

By Adi Andreeva

February 21, 2024

Nature has gifted us with an abundance of medicinal plants that are all around us. A huge amount and variety of herbs grows in our latitudes.

Dioscorides himself said that the most healing plants grow on the lands of Thrace.

Since the time of the ancient Thracians, who inhabited the territory of Bulgaria, the use of herbs for treatment and maintenance of health was commonly practiced.

The Thracians were known for their extensive knowledge of herbal medicine and used various plants to treat various ailments.

In the Middle Ages, herbs in Bulgaria and their medicinal properties were widely used. Monasteries and monastic communities have played an important role in preserving the knowledge of herbal medicine and the development of medicinal mixtures.

Many of the Bulgarian monasteries still have their gardens to this day, among which are the Rila and Bachkovo monasteries, where herbs are grown and herbal products are produced.

Rila Monastery, Bulgaria


The Bogomili:

(since the beginning of the X th century) also had extraordinary knowledge and enormous contributions to the development of herbal medicine. They were the first to bring medicine to the ordinary people, as until then all the recipes were only for the upper class and aristocrats.

The name "Bogomili" means God-lovers, and "Esse" from the Hebrew means "pure"

The Essenes:

These spiritual communities-communes were dedicated to preserving the ancient teaching and preparing the way for the new age of Pisces - a time for the entry of the Christ energies into the world.

They lived in simple harmony with all of nature, following the spiritual wisdom of their inner voice, which Buddhists call "living out their dyharma."

Their spiritual practices allowed them to absorb and conduct the vibrations and healing powers of plants, the sun and the four elements - earth, air, water, fire - for their own maintenance and for the healing of the Earth itself. We have much to learn from this humble people.

The teaching of the Essenes tells us that John the Baptist was an Essene teacher and that he and other teachers taught the initiate Jesus in the ancient wisdom during a 20 year period of his life, about which the Bible is silent.

There are sources that connect other biblical figures with the tradition of the Essenes: besides John the Baptist, Mary and her cousin Elizabeth were also Essenes - initiates.

Early Christianity took a lot from these humble communities, living in harmony with nature and cosmic forces, into its moral code.

The X th century Bogomili '' restored” the ancient Tracian and Essenes knowledge.

They introduced even more knowledge including how to “ ensure” the wholeness in the healing.

The action of medicinal plants is much more comprehensive, as each herb restores not only physical but also mental balance, which is an important part of the healing process.

Our genes recognize the information from nature, coming naturally through the plants, nourished by the mineral salts and water in the soil and warmed by the rays of the Sun.

The active substances contained in plants are recognized by our cells because they are similar to their energy. And coming into contact with the human organism, they affect it at a level deeper than the biochemical, healing the body and spirit in a holistic way.

The vibrations of nature restore disturbed energy balance by normalizing the synthesis and secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones, representing the biological language of our body. Thus, medicinal plants simply remind the body of the life-giving power hidden within it and help it unlock its self-healing programs.

So, apart from the beneficial effect they have on the body, they purify the mind, clarify the thought and elevate the consciousness.

Interesting fact is that in those times, the faith of the Bogomili “doctors” did not allow them to treat every sick person.

In order to check whether the disease was not a punishment from above that should not be interfered with, the texts recommended the following:

"If someone is sick, smear warm flour-spring water paste all over him, face, hands, feet, and give it to the dog: if the dog eats, the sick shall live. If not, the patient will die..."

"This is a startling prediction!" - in those times the man who preached or healed was obliged to avoid any outward display of feeling.

"No excitement, no tears, no cries, no matter what suffering he faced, the healer had no right to waste his vital energy, to waste himself emotionally."

After treatment the “doctor “ should also restore his energies in Nature

Nature as a whole is the greatest healer ever, if we consciously look at it and open our being to receive.

Did you know? 

Did you know that when you consciously look at a tree, the liver regenerates and balances itself? Did you know that when you consciously look at grass or flowers, your entire structure is filled with kindness and gentleness? Did you know that when you look at the sun, the heart is purified and filled with optimism and enthusiasm?

Did you know that when you look at the ground and walk mindfully, the spleen regenerates and balances, the physical structure heals, and confidence in yourself and the life process emerges?

Did you know that when you look at the sky and breathe, the lungs heal and regenerate, depression disappears and you feel alive, really alive?

Did you know that when you look at the ocean or the sea, your kidneys heal and regenerate?

Did you know that when you look at a drop of rain or morning dew, your entire genitourinary system heals and regenerates and you increase your power to manifest what you want in life?


Shared with joy


Stob, Bulgaria